1. GFG DSA Complete guide
2. GFG DSA for Beginners
3. GFG DSA Practice Problems
![[Pasted image 20231126084337.png]]
Linear Data Structures:
- Elements arranged sequentially.
- Examples: Array, stack, queue, linked list.
Static Data Structures:
- Fixed memory size.
- Example: Array.
Dynamic Data Structures:
- Size not fixed, can be updated during runtime.
- Examples: Queue, stack.
Non-linear Data Structures:
- Elements not placed sequentially.
- Examples: Trees, graphs.
refers to the extra space used in the program other than the input data structure.
Asymptotic analysis
Method for describing the efficiency of an algorithm.
Big O Notation (O):
It describes the worst-case scenario for the algorithm's time or space complexity in terms of a mathematical function. For example, O(n) represents linear complexity, O(n^2) represents quadratic complexity, and O(log n) represents logarithmic complexity.
Omega Notation (Ω):
It describes the best-case scenario for the algorithm's time or space complexity. For example, Ω(n) represents linear complexity.
Theta Notation (Θ):
Theta notation provides a tight bound on an algorithm's growth rate, both upper and lower bounds. If an algorithm has a time complexity of Θ(f(n)), it means the algorithm's performance grows exactly at the rate of the function f(n).
![[Pasted image 20231125112526.png]]
public static void reverseArray2(int[] inputArray) {
int Start = 0;
int end = inputArray.length - 1;
while (Start < end) {
int temp = inputArray[Start];
inputArray[Start] = inputArray[end];
inputArray[end] = temp;